Brain Networks Evolved

Cognitive brain networks such as the default-mode network, frontoparietal network, and salience network, are key functional networks of the human brain. Here we show that the rapid evolutionary cortical expansion of cognitive networks in the human brain, and most pronounced the default-mode network, runs parallel with high expression of human-accelerated genes. nature

Methods overview. a The human and chimpanzee cortex were constructed using MRI data, with chimpanzee-to-human cortical expansion computed based on the reconstructed cortical maps. b Genes associated with human accelerated regions (HAR), which represent genomic loci with accelerated divergence in humans, were examined. c Cortical gene expression of HAR genes and HAR-BRAIN genes were examined using human transcription data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) and comparative transcription data of the human, chimpanzee, and macaque from the PsychENCODE database.

See Principles of Wiring of the Human Connectome. Martijn van den Heuvel. OHMB 2018 keynote. video