Wiki provides a path to permanent dispersal and adoption of ideas too broad to be held in a single mind. We discuss how this works and record the most persistent questions.
Q: Are we talking about the right things? We video conference on Saturday mornings to talk about whatever is on our minds. This repetition creates lasting context that lets us say important things quickly. As we align our understanding the right things come up.
Q: Why do some pages have colored borders? We can browse away from where in the federation we start reading. The colors tell us where a page came from when it isn't from where we started. The color code is inspired by highway traffic signs. See Halo
Q: How do our separate ideas come together? We make it easy to read each others thoughts by automatically browsing between sites and pulling the the thoughts that spark our own towards us. When I edit your page it becomes mine too.
Q: How do we get one right answer? We will live in each others lives and share each others thoughts until a story comes together worth telling in a book or book-like site. Then someone will step up to writing it and crediting all of the contributors.
Q: When will an author see changes I make to their page? An author will see your contribution when they look at your site. A notice of a newer version will show to them when you are in their neighborhood of interest. We never force anyone to see anything.
Q: What is the time period of a "Season"? We call the last 7 days a week, the last 30 a month, and the last 90 a season. These age-specific periods drift forward as time advances unlike similar calendar periods.
Q: How does one like or favorite other's work? I keep a site where I fork interesting pages I find in the federation. Others have told me that when they feel like browsing they often start there. I often edit to make what I like most show through. See The Good Parts
Q: How do I set up a new member in our club? Add the new member to your Roster, share it by drag-and-drop or by cut-and-paste of the markup. If the new member's site is already claimed, send the markup to the member by email. For a large group, use transclusion. See About Roster Plugin
Q: How will my readers follow links to my neighborhood? Only neighbors established by your page are sure to be in your reader's neighborhood. Better to fork any page your reference into your own site to be sure readers will find it.
Q: How can I find a page with search? The web page footer has a search field which looks through the synopsis of every page in the neighborhood including login-to-view pages. A plugin will search the full text of the visible federation. See Federation Search
Tip: I've combined question and answer on this page so that the pairs can be easily reordered. Typing return starts a new paragraph but pasting a blank line does not.