We ask, can we create an ideaspace so small and simple that with only modest preparation students can go from login to ah-ha in one hour? Perhaps. Let's prototype.
how to
Prepare by noticing or recalling three learnings from the week before. Fictionalize if you wish.
Skip most of the login and claim rituals by creating character identities with the push of a "join" button.
With Login to View we already have an id. Claim with that. Otherwise claim with some version of Friendly security.
Add a site specific Welcome Visitors for the space from template logic applied to some other page. github
Add a "who's here" automatic Roster and sitemap load. We've done this for admins with Rostermatic. github
Add "as of" time and author's "page count" to the roster. Click count to see pages? Refresh for update.
Will try hard to have some of this implemented to test with Thompson next weekend.